Scarlett James
Westlake Village

3771 E Thousand Oaks Blvd

Westlake Village, CA 91362

+1 (805) 877-1719

About Scarlett James

Scarlett James is a Budget Advisor based in Westlake Village, CA. With 26 years of experience, Scarlett brings extensive knowledge and expertise in financial planning to her clients. As a certified FFC (Financial Fitness Coach), she is devoted to helping individuals achieve financial stability and make sound investment decisions. Beyond her professional achievements, Scarlett enjoys hobbies such as Sudoku, golfing, and collecting coins. Her passion for these activities reflects her commitment to detail-oriented problem-solving. With her exceptional skills and genuine interest in assisting others, Scarlett has become a trusted advisor in the field of budgeting and financial planning. (94 words)


March 18, 2023

Healthcare Innovation: Investing in the Future

Discover the future of healthcare innovation and how investing in this sector can lead to transformative advancements. This informative article explores the latest trends, technologies, and strategies that are shaping the healthcare landscape. From telemedicine to AI-driven diagnostics, learn about the exciting opportunities for investment in this rapidly evolving industry. Stay ahead of the curve and explore how cutting-edge advancements are revolutionizing healthcare delivery and improving patient outcomes".

June 21, 2022

The Rise of ESG Investing: Impact and Returns

Discover the powerful impact and impressive returns of ESG investing. Explore the rise of this sustainable investment strategy that combines environmental, social, and governance factors. Uncover how ESG investing is reshaping the financial landscape and making positive contributions to society while achieving attractive financial performance. Learn why many investors are embracing this approach as a way to align their investments with their values and contribute to a more sustainable future.

May 24, 2023

Global Trade Dynamics: Challenges and Investment Ideas

Discover the complexities of global trade dynamics and explore the challenges that businesses face in this ever-evolving landscape. Gain insights into investment ideas that help navigate these challenges and stay ahead in the global marketplace. Explore how geopolitical tensions, regulatory changes, and shifting consumer demands impact international trade, and uncover opportunities to capitalize on emerging trends. Expand your knowledge of global trade dynamics and unlock strategies for successful investments in this informative blog article.

August 7, 2023

Wealth Management Strategies for High Net Worth Clients

Discover effective wealth management strategies tailored for high net worth clients seeking to protect and grow their assets. Delve into the intricacies of diversification, tax planning, estate planning, and investment options to optimize financial success. Learn from experts in the field as they share insights and practical tips to help high net worth individuals navigate the ever-changing landscape of wealth management. Uncover innovative approaches that align with your unique goals and circumstances, ensuring a solid foundation for long-term prosperity.

Let's Talk

We feel a deep responsibility to our clients. We are committed to helping you protect and grow your assets, and in many cases, prepare families and heirs for the transfer of wealth to future generations. We know how hard you are working to achieve your goals, and we will work with you to help your wealth support your continued prosperity over time.
